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Osteopathy is a primary care profession, focused on the assessment, diagnosis and treatment of musculoskeletal pain and disorder. It is a hands-on, alternative treatment to mainstream healthcare.


Osteopathy is based on the principle that all the different systems of the body are inter-connected and depend on one another functioning correctly, to enable all the systems to work as a collective whole. When you have pain and disorder, is it the result of a fault in one of these systems, which can in-turn, have a knock-on effect on other systems. It is the osteopath's job to analyse and assess all the systems, to identify the ones at fault and the ones that are compensating as a result. By finding the true cause of the issue, the most accurate treatment and advice can then be given.


Osteopaths are required to complete a 4-year intergrated-masters degree at university, during which, there is vigorous practical and theory-based training, alongside 1,200+ hours of clinic work. On top of this, once qualified, osteopaths must continue training every year, which is recorded and approved by the osteopathic council, of which all osteopaths must be registered with to legally practice in the UK. 


Osteopaths place a huge emphasis on safety. If there is a non-musculoskeletal problem going on, they also have the knowledge and training to be able to identify this and refer you to the correct place so you can get help.

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